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Public Service Resources: Storytime and Reading Buddies

Don't Just Read!

Storytime and Reading Buddies are about more than just reading!

Ask open-ended questions before, during, and after reading. Encourage children to make connections to their own lives, the world around them, and other things they may have read. 


Storytime: What Should I Read?

There's a difference between a great book and a great read aloud!

When choosing a book think about the following:

  • Are the illustrations easy to see in your setting?
  • Are there interactive elements, such as repeated phrases that children can join in saying, movements, or places to pause and ask open-ended questions?
  • Is the story easy to follow, with a clear beginning, middle, and end?
  • Is the book age appropriate?
  • Does the book reflect a variety of people and life experiences? Think about this in relation to other books you are choosing. Make sure all the characters in all the books you read aren't the same. 
  • Do you enjoy this book? Your enjoyment of the story will show!

Slow Down

Make it Interactive

Make Connections

Questions to Ask While Reading

  • What do you think this book will be about? Why do you think that?
  • What characters do you think will be in this book?
  • Does this book remind you of anything?
  • What do you wonder about this book?

If continuing a longer book

  • What has happened so far?
  • What do you think will happen next?
  • Why do you think the character did ____________?
  • What emotions is the character feeling? How do you know?
  • What do you think will happen next?
  • Do you think anything happened that the author left out? What?
  • What would you do in this situation?
  • What pictures do you see in your mind?
  • If you were in this story, what would you see, hear, feel, smell, taste etc.?
  • Is there anything you're wondering about?
  • How are you like/unlike this character? Has anything like this ever happened to you?
  • Can you tell the story in your own words? What were the most important parts?
  • Did you like the way the story ended? How would you change it?
  • How would you change the story?
  • If the story had a sequel, what would happen in it?
  • What questions would you ask the author right now? 

Book Idea Lists

Looking for ideas of what to read? Check out these lists created by our Lower School Librarians. 

Here are some other best book lists from around the web:

Storytime Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Include songs, rhymes, and fingerplays in your storytime! Jbrary has a blog and a Youtube channel filled with great ideas for storytime!


Check out Trinity's ebook collection. Click on the image to go to the TigerNet page to get started!

Tips for Navigating Zoom Reading

Tips for Reading an Ebook

To read aloud on Zoom, set up the ebook you’re going to read, then, when you’re ready to start reading aloud, share your screen with your buddy, and a thumbnail video of you reading will appear in the top right corner of the screen. Be sure to start and end your Zoom meetings with some “face time.” 

Tips for Reading a Print Book

If you’re reading a picture book, hold up the book so that your buddy can see the entire two-page spread. Try to hold the book still.

If your buddy tells you that the image of the book you’re reading is backwards, follow these steps:

  • Click on the arrow to the right of “Stop Video” in the bottom left corner of your screen.

  • Click on Video Settings.

  • Uncheck the “Mirror my video” option.

  • Click on the red button in the top left corner to return to your meeting.

Ask a Librarian!

Have a question? Want someone to bounce ideas off of? 

Talk to Ms. Martin or Ms. Newsome or one of the Lower School Librarians