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Advanced Bio: Academic Reading Toolbox

CREATE(S) Method For Reading Journal Articles

Consider- Start by reading the introduction. Consider how the different concepts in the introduction are related. Create a concept map.

Read-  Next read the methods and results sections, including all graphs and figures in those sections. Annotate and re-title figures to make the information clear to you and draw pictures of the methods indicating how the study was actually conducted. 

Elucidate the Hypothesis for Each Experiment- Write down what research question each experiment is trying to answer.

Analyze and Interpret the Data- What does the data mean? Read the discussion section of the paper and draw your own conclusions. A worksheet template like this one or this one may help. 

Think of the Next Experiment- Identify any questions you have about the paper. What follow-up research would you want to see?

Synthesize the Entire Paper- How do all the pieces fit together? What's the scientific narrative of the paper?

Adapted from Teaching Journal Articles, Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning, Yale University

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