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Ni silencio ni soledad: Escritoras de las Américas: Home


Este trabajo tiene cuatro partes:

  1. El esquema con oración temática y con bibliografía anotada (1.5 páginas a doble espacio máximo)

  2. El ensayo biográfico escrito (3 páginas a doble espacio máximo)

  3. El video narrativo con imágenes, texto mínimo (estilo guión), audio, y clips (si los hay)

  4. La entrada en la línea de tiempo / cronología colectiva de la clase (Padlet de la clase)

MLA Citation, Explained

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Citations Examples

Zotero Bib


What happens when two bibliographies go on a date?

Love at first cite!

Icons made by smalllikeart


Annotated Bibliography Tips

  Questions to Answer:   Examples:
  What is the material?   Book, chapter, scholarly article, web page
  What is the work about?   Topics and subjects covered
  What is the purpose of the work?   Introduction, update, research report
  Who is the intended audience?   Scholars, general public
  Authority of the source?   Peer-reviewed journal, reputable publisher
  Are there any clear biases?   Personal/corporate agenda, unbalanced discussion
  What are the deficiencies or limitations of the work?   Dubious research methods; information that is clearly missing
  What are the strengths of the work?   Thorough discussion, extensive research, major work in field

credit: Indiana University School of Dentistry Library

Annotated Bibliography Samples