When you search think about terms that relate to your commodity, your role, and your lens (power, gender, religion, etc.). Also use terms related to specific times and places (like important cities on your commodity's trade routes). Try adding the word "history", "trade", or "economic" to your search terms.
Remember you may not find one magical source that covers everything! Don't be discouraged if you can't find an article all about gender dynamics among spice merchants. Part of research is putting together information from different sources to create new understanding!
Advanced Search is your friend!
Before you search, make a plan. Stop and think: What information am I looking for? What format do I want? Do I want information from a particular time? In a particular language? Sources that are peer reviewed? What keywords and search strategies will you use to find the information you are looking for. Always check databases for the advanced search feature. This will help you limit your search and (hopefully!) find results that are more relevant. FYI- Google has an advanced search option, too!
Other useful search tips:
If a word can have multiple endings, try searching with an asterisk (*) to find all versions of the word.
For example, child* brings up child, children, childhood, and any other word that starts with the root "child."
If a word can have multiple spellings, try inserting a question mark where the differences are.
For example, globali?ation brings up items with the words globalization or globalisation.
Image Resources: