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Anti-Racism Resources: BIPOC Stories Matter

What to Read?

There are a lot of really great reading lists available about race and racism in America. The lists are shared here, and age specific book lists are shared on the divisional tabs.


Why Black Stories Matter by author Nic Stone

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Read all the books about racism. All of them. ⠀ Recognize that racism, racist acts, racist ideas, and racist terror are and have always been about dehumanization. "Those beings aren't (insert illusorily elevated trait) like us, so we are human and they are not." Once we become less human in someone else's sight, we become less worthy of compassion, empathy, space, existence, justice, fairness. Less worthy of love. Peace. Power. ⠀ Less worthy of of oxygen. Of life. ⠀ So while you're reading those books about racism, please also read books about explicitly black people--especially black kids--just being human. Doing things humans are allowed to do in our imaginations: falling in love, dealing with illness, navigating time travel, questioning other aspects of their identities, saving their country, fighting with their parents. The stack here isn't exhaustive. Just some of my faves I could find in the chaos. ⠀ Because once you can accept that black people are PEOPLE, that we think and feel and love and lose and get pissed and want to be accepted and need connection and like to snuggle and love our loved ones fiercely and FEEL... once you realize that we are just as human as you are, that we have the same emotional range that you have, that we are not some strange breed of humanoid thing that is unthinking and unfeeling and unloving, once you SEE us... ⠀ You'll be able to see you. (And like... start fixing some stuff.) ⠀ #FelixEverAfter #TheStarsAndTheBlacknessBetweenThem #TheBoyInTheBlackSuit #Shuri #TheLastLastDayOfSummer #OddOneOut #HowToBeRemyCameron #IWannaBeWhereYouAre #ReadBlackStories #SeeBlackPeople #BlackEverydayLivesMatter

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Recommendations Based on Division

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